Classification in Machine Learning

By | September 27, 2023

Classification in Machine Learning

Classification in Machine Learning uses input training data to estimate the likelihood that the input data will fall into one of the predefined categories. Filtering emails into “sent” or “outbox” is one of the most popular categories used by the most recent email services. 

In its simplest form, classification is a “behavior recognizer” or “pattern recognizer.” The classification algorithms were applied to the training data to find the same pattern.  In this article, we will be discovering the classification in detail and how text analysis software can perform actions for categorizing unstructured text by opinion polarity. 

What is a Classification in Machine Learning

A classification algorithm is a machine learning algorithm that categorizes or assigns predefined labels or classes to data based on its features or attributes. It is a Supervised Learning Technique used to classify new observations.

The Classification algorithm uses labeled input data since it is a supervised learning technique that includes input and output data. The classification procedure (x) converts a discrete output function (y) to an input variable.

Numerous issues can be solved using classification algorithms, such as image recognition, sentiment analysis, medical diagnosis, and spam email detection. The classification algorithm to be used is determined by the nature of the data as well as the specific requirements of the problem at hand, as different algorithms may perform better for different types of data and tasks.

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Learners in Classification Problems

There are two types of learners if we look at them thoroughly.

Lazy Learners 

The training dataset is first stored, and then it awaits the arrival of the test dataset. When employing a lazy learner, the classification is performed using the most relevant information from the training dataset. Prediction time is increased while training time is decreased. Some examples include case-based reasoning and the KNN algorithm.

Eager Learners

Eager students construct a classification model using a training dataset before obtaining a test dataset. They devote more time to studying than forecasting. Examples include decision trees, naive Bayes, and ANN.

Classification Algorithms

You can pick from a wide variety of classification algorithms. The application and type of the available data set must be considered when choosing the best option.

Decision Tree

A decision tree algorithm is a well-known machine-learning technique that can be used for classification and regression tasks. It is a supervised learning algorithm that divides the dataset recursively into subsets based on the most significant attribute or feature at each step. These splits form a tree-like structure, with each internal node representing a decision based on a feature, each branch representing an outcome of that decision, and each leaf node representing a class label or a numerical value.

The tree is built in a top-down, recursive, divide-and-conquer fashion. All attributes must be classified. Alternatively, they should be discretized ahead of time. Attributes at the top of the tree have a greater impact on classification and are identified using the concept of information gain.

Naive Bayes 

A straightforward and probabilistic machine learning algorithm called Naive Bayes is used for text classification and object classification. It is based on Bayes’ theorem and is known as “naive” because it strongly assumes that the features used to describe the data points are conditionally independent, which means that the presence or absence of one feature has no bearing on the presence or absence of another feature.

The zero probability problem is a potential drawback for naive Bayes. When the conditional probability for a specific attribute is zero, the prediction fails to be valid. This must be explicitly fixed with a Laplacian estimator. 

Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

Artificial neural networks, also known as ANNs, are a subset of machine learning algorithms used for various tasks, such as classification, regression, pattern recognition, and more. The term “Artificial Neural Networks” refers to a computational model that was influenced by the composition and operation of the human brain.

The model may have several hidden layers, depending on how complicated the function to be mapped is. These hidden layers can be used to model complex neural networks, like deep neural networks. 

However, when many hidden layers exist, training and adjusting the weights take a long time. Another disadvantage is that the model is difficult to interpret when compared to others, such as decision trees. This is because the learned weights have an unknown symbolic meaning.

However, in most real-world applications, artificial neural networks have performed admirably. It can classify untrained patterns and has a high tolerance for noisy data. Artificial neural networks typically perform better with continuous-valued inputs and outputs.

K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)

KNN, which stands for “k-Nearest Neighbors,” is a supervised machine learning algorithm used for classification and regression tasks. It is a simple and straightforward algorithm that predicts data points in a feature space based on their similarity.

When an unknown discrete data set is received, it examines the closest k number of saved instances (nearest neighbors) and returns the most common class as the prediction. It returns the mean of the k closest neighbors for real-valued data. 

KNN is a non-parametric algorithm, which means it makes no assumptions about the data distribution. It is suitable for a wide range of problems, particularly when the decision boundary is not overly complex. However, it can be computationally expensive for large datasets because each prediction requires calculating distances to all data points in the training set.

How to Evaluate a Classifier

Precision and Recall 

Precision is the fraction of relevant instances among the retrieved instances, while recall is the fraction of relevant instances that have been retrieved over the total number of relevant instances.

Holdout Method

Out of all the options, the holdout method is the one that is most frequently used to assess a classifier. The presented data set is split into two partitions, test and train. 20% of the data is used for testing, and the remaining 80% is used for training. With the help of the training set, the model will be developed, and the secret test data will be used to gauge its propensity for future prediction.


Overfitting is a common problem in machine learning and occurs in most models. K-fold cross-validation can be conducted to verify that the model is not overfitted. In this method, the data set is randomly partitioned into K-mutually exclusive subsets, each approximately equal in size. One is kept for testing, while others are used for training. This process is iterated throughout the whole K fold. 

Classification In Machine Learning FAQs

Q1. What does a classification in machine learning mean?

Ans: Classification in machine learning is a supervised machine-learning technique used to determine the correct label for some input data. In classification, the model is thoroughly trained using the training data before being evaluated using the test data and then used to make predictions on fresh, uncontaminated information.

Q2. Are classification and regression in machine learning the same?

Ans: No, regression and machine learning classification are different. Regression aims to predict the continuous numerical values, while classification focuses on categorizing the scattered data into classes or labels.  In regression, output is a real-valued quantity with a specific range, which makes it suitable for predicting prices or quantities. Know more about classifications in this article.

Q3. What are the four types of classification in machine learning?

Ans: The four major types of classification in machine learning are:

  • Chronological Classification
  • Geographical Classification
  • Qualitative Classification
  • Quantitative classification
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