Top 15 Bank Interview Questions and Answers

By | November 19, 2023

bank interview questions and answers

Top 15 Bank Interview Questions and Answers: The banking and financial services industry (BFSI) is a dynamic and ever-evolving sector that offers a wide range of career opportunities for graduates. With its potential for growth, stability, and rewarding roles, it’s no wonder that many job seekers aspire to work in BFSI. However, securing a position in this competitive industry requires more than just a degree; it demands a strong performance during the interview process.

In this blog, we will talk about the top 15 bank interview questions and answers and provide you with expert tips to help you succeed in your BFSI job interviews. Whether you are just starting your career or looking to advance within the industry, these insights will prove invaluable.

Top 15 Bank Interview Questions and Answers

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Here are the top 15 bank interview questions and answers:

  • What is investment banking?

Investment banking encompasses various financial services, such as: 

  • Capital raising
  • Mergers
  • Acquisitions
  • Advisory services

Explain these functions briefly and mention the specific role you’re interested in within this field.

Tip: Keep your explanation simple, as many people may not be familiar with investment banking. Focus on the part of investment banking that aligns with your career aspirations. This question is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your enthusiasm for a particular role within the industry.

  • Explain a home equity loan?

Home equity loans allow homeowners to borrow money against the equity in their homes. Explain how they work and why they are used. You might also mention any trends or developments in this area.

Tip: Provide a clear and straightforward explanation, avoiding technical jargon. Discuss any potential impacts or innovations related to home equity loans in the BFSI industry. This demonstrates your ability to stay informed about industry trends.

  • What do you understand about APR?

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is a fundamental concept in BFSI. Explain how it’s calculated and its significance in lending and borrowing.

Tip: Provide a straightforward explanation and use practical examples to illustrate its importance. This is a chance to demonstrate your financial literacy and understanding of crucial concepts within the industry.

  • What does working capital mean?

Working capital is vital for businesses. Define working capital, its components (current assets and liabilities), and its significance in business finance. Use real-world examples to show how working capital affects a company’s financial health and decision-making.

Tip: Keep your explanation concise and clear. Use relatable examples to highlight how working capital is a critical factor for business success. This demonstrates your ability to apply financial knowledge in real business scenarios.

  • What is negative amortisation?

Negative amortisation can impact loans. Explain what it is and its implications for borrowers, lenders, and the BFSI industry. Discuss strategies to mitigate its effects.

Tip: Clarify the risks associated with negative amortisation and offer solutions or preventive measures. This question allows you to showcase your understanding of complex financial concepts and your ability to address potential challenges in the industry.

  • What is overdraft protection?

Overdraft protection is an essential banking service. Define it and discuss its benefits and potential costs for account holders.

Tip: Highlight the advantages of overdraft protection, such as avoiding overdraft fees and maintaining financial stability. You can also offer tips for managing accounts effectively to avoid overdraft situations.

  • Describe the types of commercial banks?

Commercial banks play a central role in BFSI. When asked this question, provide a brief overview of different types of commercial banks like: 

  • Retail banks
  • Commercial banks
  • Online banks

Tip: Be concise in your descriptions and avoid delving too deeply into technical jargon. You can mention any specific experiences or interests related to these bank types, showcasing your knowledge and interest in the industry.

Bonus Questions

  • Tell me about yourself?

In many interviews, “Tell me about yourself” is the icebreaker. It’s essential to make a strong first impression. Remember, the interviewer has already seen your resume, so your response should provide a concise overview of your background, highlighting your educational and professional journey.

Tip: Structure your answer by starting with a brief personal introduction like:

  • Name
  • Current job
  • Educational status

Then, provide a chronological summary of your career and education. Focus on relevant experiences, skills, and your passion for the BFSI industry.

  • What interests you about banking?

This question is an opportunity to show your genuine interest in the BFSI sector. Your answer should reflect what aspects of banking captivate you, such as the potential for financial growth, helping individuals and businesses with their financial needs, or the ever-evolving nature of the industry.

Tip: Express your passion for banking by mentioning specific elements that resonate with you. You might discuss financial literacy, economic stability, or even social responsibility, depending on your personal interests and alignment with the bank’s values.

  • What are your salary expectations?

Dealing with salary expectations requires a balanced approach. Research industry standards to align your expectations with the position, your qualifications, and the company’s budget. However, avoid discussing specific numbers until the employer brings it up.

Tip: When asked about salary, express your openness to negotiation. Emphasise your focus on the opportunity and your career growth rather than just the salary. This shows flexibility and eagerness to work with the organisation.

  • How would your boss describe you?

This question assesses your self-awareness and how you perceive your professional qualities. Be honest and share attributes that make you an asset to the team. This is an opportunity to provide an external perspective on your strengths.

Tip: Align your self-description with your professional achievements and qualities that the interviewer is likely to appreciate. By offering a glimpse of how your boss would describe you, you provide a valuable insight into your work ethic and contributions.

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

In this question, highlight your strengths relevant to the BFSI position, such as analytical skills, attention to detail, or communication abilities. When addressing weaknesses, choose something you’ve actively worked on improving and show how you’ve made progress.

Tip: Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses. Frame your weaknesses in a way that demonstrates personal growth and learning from experiences. Use real examples to illustrate your points and show that you’re self-aware and proactive.

  • What is your greatest achievement?

This question is your opportunity to showcase a significant accomplishment that demonstrates your skills and abilities. Choose an achievement that aligns with the BFSI role you’re applying for.

Tip: Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your response. This provides a clear and comprehensive answer. Be sure to convey not only what you achieved but also how it had a positive impact on your previous employers.

  • Why should we hire you?

This is where you need to tailor your response to highlight your unique value proposition for the organisation. Mention your skills and experience and how they align with the job’s requirements and the company’s mission.

Tip: Research the company’s values and culture to align your answer with their specific needs and goals. Avoid generic answers and focus on what sets you apart from other candidates. Provide concrete examples of how your skills and experience will benefit the organisation.

  • Are you a team player?

Collaboration and teamwork are highly valued in BFSI. Share examples of how you’ve worked effectively in a team to achieve common goals. Mention your communication and conflict-resolution skills.

Tip: Highlight instances where you successfully contributed to a team project, emphasising the positive outcomes and your ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with colleagues.


In the highly competitive BFSI job market, interview preparation is essential. By addressing these top 15 interview questions with confidence and well-crafted responses, you can demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and passion for the industry.

Remember to research the specific company and its needs, and tailor your answers accordingly. With the right approach and thorough preparation, you can increase your chances of securing that coveted position in the banking and financial services sector. Good luck in your BFSI job interviews!

Top 15 Bank Interview Questions and Answers FAQs

What is the significance of acing BFSI job interviews?

Securing a position in the competitive banking and financial services industry is highly sought after. Acing interviews is crucial for gaining a foothold in this dynamic and rewarding sector.

How can I effectively express my passion for banking in an interview?

To demonstrate your interest in banking, focus on specific aspects that captivate you, such as financial growth, helping clients, or the industry's evolving nature.

What's the best approach to handle questions about salary expectations?

Research industry standards to align your expectations with the position and company. Stress your willingness to negotiate and emphasise career growth over just the salary.

How should I frame my weaknesses when discussing strengths and weaknesses in an interview?

Be honest about your weaknesses and frame them as areas where you've actively worked on improvement. Use real examples to demonstrate personal growth and learning.

Why is it essential to research the specific company and its culture before answering interview questions?

Tailoring your responses to align with the company's values and needs shows your genuine interest in the organisation and increases your chances of success in the interview.

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