C Syllabus Foundation, Important Topics, Course- PW Skills 

By | November 4, 2023

Varun Saharawat is a seasoned professional in the fields of SEO and content writing. With a profound knowledge of the intricate aspects of these disciplines, Varun has established himself as a valuable asset in the world of digital marketing and online content creation.

c syllabus

PhysicsWallah provides a complete  C Programming Foundation course for beginners as well as experienced candidates. This course covers the entire C syllabus with proper recorded lectures and experienced teaching faculties. 

C programming is the first step for most beginners to start learning programming. C language is also called the mother of all programming languages as it has existed for a long time, and most of the latest programming languages use its concept in their syntax. Learning C programming language is a step-by-step process that is fun if we are under good guidance. 

Let us know the critical C syllabus in this article. Candidates will also get the C syllabus pdf in the article below. Read the complete article to learn about the important topics that will be covered in the C Programming Foundation course. 

C Syllabus Foundation

Candidates can check out the entire syllabus that will be covered in the C Programming Foundation course. Check out the table below for more details.

Important Topics C Syllabus 
Name of Lesson Topic
1 Introduction to Programming
2 Program and Programming
3 Programming Languages
4 Types of Softwares
5 Operating Systems
6 DOS Commands
7 Basic Linux Commands and VI Editor
8 Compiler, Interpreter, Loader, and Linker
Fundamentals in C
1 History of C langauge
2 A Simple C Program
3 Program Execution Phases
4 Backslash Character Constants
5 Character Set
6 Constants
7 Number Systems
8 Format Specifiers
9 Identifiers
10 Keywords
11 Variables
12 Data Types
13 Declaration of Variable
14 Assigning Values to Variables
15 Initialization
17 Const Qualifier
18 Basic Structure of a ‘C’ Program
19 Programming Examples
Operators and Expressions
1 Arithmetic Operators
2 Increment and Decrement Operators
3 Relational Operators
4 Logical Operators
5 Bitwise Operators
6 Assignment Operators
7 Conditional Operator
8 Size of Operator
9 Comma Operator
10 Type Casting Operator
11 Other Operators
12 Precedence and Order of Evaluation
13 Programming Examples
Data Types
1 Format Specifiers
2 Dealing with Each Data Type
3 Memory Representation of Each Type
4 Programming Examples
5 Modifiers
Input-Output Library Functions
1 Unformatted I-O Functions
2 Single Character Input-Output
3 String Input-Output
4 Formatted I-O Functions
5 printf () Width Specifier
6 scanf () Width Specifier
7 Programming Examples
Conditional Statements 
1 if
2 if-else
3 Nested if-else
4 else-if Ladder
5 Multiple Branching Control Statement
6 switch-case
7 Loop Control Statements
8 while
9 do-while
10 for
11 Nested Loops
12 Jump Control Statements
13 break
14 continue
15 goto
16 exit
17 return
18 Programming Examples
Function in C language
1 What is Function?
2 Why Function?
3 Advantages of Using Functions
4 Function Prototype
5 Defining a Function
6 Calling a Function
7 Return Statement
8 Types of Functions
9 Recursion
10 Nested Functions
11 main() Function
12 Library Function
13 Local and Global Variables
14 Programming Examples
Storage Class
1 Scoping Rules
2 Dealing with All Storage Classes
3 Programming Examples
4 Types of Storage Class
Pointer in C Programming
1 Definition of Pointer
2 Declaration of Pointer Variables
3 Assigning Address to Pointer
4 Variables
5 Dereferencing Pointer Variables
6 Pointer to Pointer
7 Pointer Arithmetic
8 Pointer Comparisons
9 Dereference and Increment Pointer
10 Programming Examples
Pointer and Function ( Passing Parameter Techniques)
1 Call by Value, Call by Address
2 Using Pointers as Arguments
3 Function Returning Value
4 Functions Returning Address
5 Function Returning Pointers
6 Dangling Pointer
7 Pointer to a Function
8 Calling a Function Through Function Pointer
9 Passing a Function’s Address as an Argument
10 Functions with Variable Number of Arguments
11 Programming Examples
Array in C language
1 Declaration of 1D Arrays
2 Initialization of 1D Arrays
3 Accessing Elements of 1D Arrays
4 Reading and Displaying Elements
5 Two Dimensional Arrays
6 Declaration of 2D Arrays
7 Initialization of 2D Arrays
8 Accessing Elements of 2D Arrays
9 Reading and Displaying Elements
10 Programming Examples
Pointer and One Dimensional Arrays
1 Subscripting Pointer Variables
2 Pointer to an Array
3 Array of Pointers
4 Pointers and Two Dimensional Arrays
5 Subscripting Pointer to an Array
6 Programming Examples
Array and Function
1 1D Array and Function
2 Passing Individual Array Elements to a Function
3 Passing Individual Array Elements Address to a Function
4 Passing Whole 1D Array to a Function
5 2D Array and Function
6 Passing Individual Array Elements to a Function
7 Passing Individual Array Elements Address to a Function
8 Passing Whole 2D Array to a Function
9 Using Arrays of Function Pointer
10 Programming Examples
Dynamic Memory Allocation
1 calloc()
2 realloc()
3 free()
4 Malloc()
5 Memory Leak
6 Dynamic 1D and 2D Arrays
7 Core Dump
8 Programming Examples
Strings in C Programming language
1 Initializing Strings
2 Reading Strings
3 Displaying Strings
4 The %s Format Specifier
5 The gets() and puts() Functions
6 String Handling Functions
7 String Pointers
8 Two-Dimensional Character Arrays or Array of Strings
9 Array of Pointers to Strings
10 Programming Examples
Command Line Arguments
1 What is Command Prompt?
2 What are Command Line Arguments?
3 Programs Using Command Line
Preprocessor in C 
1 What is Preprocessing?
2 Macro Expansions
3 File Inclusions
4 Conditional Compilation
5 Programming Examples
Structure in C
1 Why is Structure Used?
2 What is Structure?
3 Advantages of Structures
4 Defining a Structure
5 Declaration of Structure Variables
6 Initialization of Structure Variables
7 Accessing Structure Members
8 Storage of Structures in Memory
9 Size of Structures
10 Reading and Displaying Structure Variables
11 Assignment of Structure Variables
12 Pointers to Structures
13 Array of Structures
14 Arrays Within Structures
15 Nested Structures
16 Self-Referential Structures
17 Programming Examples
Structure and Function in C
1 Passing Structure Member to a Function
2 Passing Structure Variable to a Function
3 Passing Structure Variable Address to a Function
4 Passing Array of Structure to a Function
5 Returning a Structure Variable from Function
6 Returning a Structure Variable Address from Function
7 Returning Structure Variable from a Function
8 Programming Examples
Union and Enumeration and Typedef
1 What are Unions?
2 Structures Versus Unions
3 Working with Unions
4 Initializing Unions
5 Advantages of Unions
6 Enum Keyword
7 Typedef Keyword
8 Programming Examples
File Handling in C 
1 Using Files in C
2 Buffer and Streams
3 Working with Text Files and Binary
4 Files
5 File Operations Using Standard Library and System Calls
6 File Management I/O Functions
7 Random Access Files
8 Programming Examples

C Programming Foundation Syllabus PDF

Candidates can enroll in the C Foundation course provided by PhysicsWallah, which contains beginner-friendly, well-explained lectures that will help them learn C programming. Our C syllabus courses are well structured and covered by the top faculties with experience in programming. 

                                                                                                    C Syllabus PDF  (Active)

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C Programming Foundation Syllabys FAQs

Q1. How can we enroll in the C Foundation Course?

Ans: You can enroll in the C foundation course by checking the official website of PW. Check out the direct link in the article.

Q2. What are the topics covered in the C programming syllabus?

Ans: Check out this article for important topics covered in the C programming syllabus.

Q3. Can I access the C programming foundation course in offline mode?

Ans: Yes, you can easily download the recorded lectures and watch them offline whenever you want.

Q4. What will I achieve after completing this course?

Ans: By the end of this course, you will gain a strong foundation in C programming, and you will be able to write C programs and debug them easily.

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