10 Most Common Java Tools Expert Java Developers Use in 2024

Java development is a constantly evolving landscape, and staying ahead requires leveraging the right JAVA tools to enhance productivity, collaboration, and overall project success. In 2024, the Java development ecosystem is rich with tools that cater to the diverse needs of developers. 

In this blog, we’ll talk about the most common Java tools that every developer should have in their arsenal in 2024.

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10 Essential JAVA Tools for Java Developers 2024

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Here are the best JAVA tools for Java developers in 2024:

1. NetBeans

NetBeans, a dynamic Integrated Development Environment (IDE), caters effectively to the diverse needs of Java developers. Known for its user-friendly interface and seamless tool integration, it offers a comprehensive platform for Java development. In the evolving Java ecosystem, NetBeans adapts to modern development practices. Its intuitive code editor supports smart code completion and syntax highlighting, enhancing the coding experience. Navigating projects, managing dependencies, and utilising various plugins for extended functionality are easily accomplished.

A notable feature of NetBeans is its support for multiple programming languages, making it a versatile choice for polyglot developers. Whether engaging in Java SE, Java EE, or HTML5 and JavaScript, NetBeans ensures a smooth development experience, providing templates and wizards for common tasks.

In its latest iteration, NetBeans solidifies its position with performance enhancements and expanded compatibility with the newest Java features. Seamless integration with version control systems like GIT adds convenience, facilitating collaborative development.

As we explore the essential tools for Java developers in 2024, NetBeans stands out as an indispensable companion, offering a robust and integrated environment that caters to the diverse and evolving needs of Java development.

2. Apache Maven

In the intricate tapestry of Java development, Apache Maven stands as a linchpin, simplifying the often-complex tasks of build automation and project management. Maven’s declarative approach to project configuration allows developers to express the structure of their projects succinctly, reducing the inherent complexity associated with large-scale software endeavours.

At its core, Maven addresses the need for a standardised and consistent build process. By employing a convention-over-configuration paradigm, Maven eliminates the need for developers to delve into extensive build scripts. Instead, it provides a set of predefined conventions that streamline the build lifecycle, making it accessible even to those new to the Maven ecosystem.

One of Maven’s distinctive features is its robust dependency management system. The central repository serves as a vast reservoir of libraries and components, facilitating seamless integration of external dependencies into projects. Maven’s transitive dependency resolution ensures that the necessary components are not only included but also the correct versions, thereby mitigating compatibility issues.

Furthermore, Maven fosters collaboration by promoting a standardised project structure. This consistency aids in project comprehension and accelerates onboarding for new team members. The Maven Project Object Model (POM) acts as a blueprint, encapsulating crucial project information, dependencies, and configurations in a single, centralised file.

3. GIT

In the realm of collaborative software development, GIT stands tall as a cornerstone, providing an elegant and decentralised version control system. GIT’s significance lies in its ability to track changes efficiently, allowing developers to collaborate seamlessly, maintain code integrity, and manage project timelines effectively.

GIT’s distributed setup empowers each developer with a local repository, allowing independent work and contributions to the codebase without a constant server connection. This decentralised method boosts collaboration and reduces the risk of a single failure point.

Branching and merging in GIT are fundamental features that facilitate parallel development and the integration of new features. Developers can work on separate branches, experiment with ideas, and then seamlessly merge their changes back into the main codebase. This promotes a flexible and agile development workflow, allowing teams to respond swiftly to evolving project requirements.

Additionally, GIT prioritises data integrity, ensuring that codebase changes are tracked, time-stamped, and reversible. This audit trail proves invaluable for bug identification, understanding codebase evolution, and ensuring a reliable release process.

4. Jenkins

Jenkins, an open-source automation server, stands as a linchpin in modern Java development workflows, particularly in achieving Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD). With its robust set of features, Jenkins automates key aspects of the software development lifecycle, minimising manual interventions and accelerating project timelines.

In Continuous Integration (CI), Jenkins excels in automating code integration from multiple contributors. It ensures continuous testing and verification for application stability. Real-time feedback aids developers in early issue identification and resolution, fostering a collaborative and agile development environment.

Furthermore, Jenkins extends its capabilities into the realm of CD, automating the deployment of applications to various environments. The seamless integration with version control systems like GIT ensures that only validated and stable code progresses through the deployment pipeline. We will explore how Jenkins facilitates the delivery of reliable, production-ready software through automated deployment processes, providing consistency and reducing the likelihood of deployment errors.

Integrating Jenkins into the Java development workflow not only enhances efficiency but also establishes a foundation for scalable and reliable software delivery. As organisations embrace DevOps practices, Jenkins continues to be a pivotal tool, bridging the gap between development and operations, and ensuring the rapid and dependable delivery of Java applications.


JIRA stands tall as a project management and issue tracking juggernaut, providing a centralised platform that catalyses collaboration among development teams. In 2024, JIRA has evolved to become a comprehensive solution that goes beyond mere task tracking. Its agility in adapting to various development methodologies, particularly its robust support for Agile, makes it an indispensable tool. Facilitating transparent communication, JIRA allows teams to define and prioritise tasks, ensuring that everyone is on the same page throughout the development lifecycle. The tool’s customizable workflows enable teams to tailor their processes to specific project needs, making it adaptable to a myriad of development scenarios.

JIRA’s integration capabilities extend its utility, seamlessly connecting with other tools in the development stack. This integration enhances traceability and ensures that project stakeholders have a holistic view of the project’s progress. Whether you’re employing Scrum, Kanban, or a hybrid methodology, JIRA provides the flexibility needed to accommodate diverse workflows.

Furthermore, JIRA’s reporting and analytics features empower project managers and team leads to make data-driven decisions. By generating insightful reports on project status, team velocity, and issue resolution times, JIRA transforms raw data into actionable insights.

Also read: Top 10 Java Libraries Every Java Developer Should Know

6. Docker

Docker has revolutionised the landscape of Java development by introducing containerization, a technology that encapsulates an application and its dependencies into a standardised unit known as a container. This section explores the profound impact Docker has on the efficiency of Java development and the seamless deployment of applications.

Containerization provides a consistent environment across the entire development lifecycle. Developers can encapsulate their Java applications along with all dependencies, libraries, and runtime environments into a Docker container. This ensures that the application runs constantly on any machine, eliminating the notorious “it works on my machine” issue. Moreover, the lightweight nature of containers allows for rapid deployment and scaling, making Docker an invaluable tool in the realm of microservices architecture.

Docker also promotes collaboration among developers, as containers can be easily shared and deployed across various environments. This accelerates the development process and enhances team productivity. Furthermore, Docker seamlessly integrates with orchestration tools like Kubernetes, simplifying the management of containerized applications in a distributed setup.

Embracing Docker in Java development brings benefits like enhanced portability, scalability, and resource efficiency. The ability to package an application and its dependencies into a self-contained unit streamlines both development and deployment, making Docker an essential tool for modern Java developers aiming for efficiency and agility in their projects.

7. Gradle

Gradle, a preferred choice for Java developers, excels in managing intricate build scenarios with a user-friendly script. Its strengths include incremental builds, adept dependency management, and robust multi-project support, ensuring efficiency and scalability.

A standout feature is Gradle’s Groovy-based DSL, offering developers a concise and expressive way to configure builds. This flexibility promotes intuitive, easily maintainable processes tailored to project needs. Notably, Gradle’s compatibility with Maven repositories facilitates a smooth transition for Maven-savvy developers, easing integration of existing projects.

In the dynamic realm of Java development, Gradle remains up-to-date, adapting to the latest technologies. Its extensive plugin ecosystem accommodates various frameworks and tools, enabling developers to streamline the entire development lifecycle—from compilation and testing to packaging and deployment—for complex Java projects.

Expect ongoing enhancements in Gradle’s performance, functionality, and community support. Whether handling a small-scale project or a large enterprise application, embracing Gradle empowers developers to navigate Java development complexities with precision and ease.

8. Selenium

Selenium is crucial for Java app testing. It offers a strong framework, ensuring code reliability. WebDriver, part of Selenium, automates browser tasks, letting developers simulate user actions and streamline testing.

Selenium’s versatility in supporting multiple programming languages, including Java, makes it a top choice. Its rich APIs enable interaction with web elements, facilitating actions like form-filling and button clicks, ensuring web app behaviour aligns with expectations.

Moreover, Selenium Grid facilitates parallel testing across different browsers and environments, ensuring comprehensive test coverage. This feature is particularly valuable in a world where diverse user environments and browsers are commonplace.

For Java developers, integrating Selenium into the testing workflow is seamless. The framework’s compatibility with popular Java testing frameworks like JUnit and TestNG further enhances its appeal. By automating repetitive testing scenarios, Selenium not only accelerates the testing phase but also significantly contributes to the development of robust, bug-free Java applications.

As software development cycles become more iterative, Selenium remains an indispensable tool, empowering Java developers to deliver applications that meet high standards of quality and reliability. Its versatility, coupled with its open-source nature, positions Selenium as a go-to choice for automated testing in the Java development landscape.

9. IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA excels as an integrated development environment (IDE), enhancing Java development. Known for intelligence and user-friendly design, it provides efficient tools for coding, debugging, and refactoring. One of its standout features is its unparalleled code assistance. The IDE goes beyond mere auto-completion, providing intelligent suggestions that align with the developer’s coding style and project requirements. The powerful code analysis capabilities identify potential errors and suggest improvements in real-time, fostering a proactive and error-resistant coding environment.

IntelliJ IDEA’s support for various frameworks, libraries, and build tools is extensive, allowing developers to seamlessly integrate their preferred technologies. From Spring and Hibernate to Maven and Gradle, the IDE ensures compatibility and smooth integration, enabling developers to focus on the logic of their applications rather than dealing with toolchain intricacies.

The intuitive user interface, coupled with advanced navigation and search features, accelerates the development process. Code navigation is a breeze, and the built-in version control tools seamlessly integrate with GIT, streamlining collaborative development efforts. Beyond Java, IntelliJ IDEA’s plugin support extends functionality for various needs, from web apps to mobile development. Its adaptability across domains makes it an essential tool for developers.

10. Splunk

In the intricate tapestry of Java development, effective log management and insightful data analytics are paramount. Splunk, a leader in this domain, emerges as a game-changer for Java developers seeking to gain deeper insights into their applications.

Splunk’s prowess lies in its ability to aggregate, analyse, and visualise vast amounts of log data generated by Java applications. By offering a centralised platform for log management, Splunk enables developers to identify anomalies, troubleshoot issues, and monitor performance in real-time.

Moreover, Splunk goes beyond conventional log management by embracing the power of data analytics. Developers can harness Splunk to extract valuable insights from their log data, paving the way for data-driven decision-making. This section will delve into how Splunk seamlessly integrates into the Java development workflow, offering a comprehensive solution for monitoring, analysing, and optimising application performance.

As Java applications scale in complexity, the need for robust log management becomes non-negotiable. Splunk’s intuitive interface, powerful search capabilities, and customizable dashboards empower developers to navigate through logs efficiently. From identifying errors to optimise code performance, Splunk becomes an indispensable tool in the Java developer’s toolkit, ensuring that every log becomes a valuable piece of information for continuous improvement and innovation.

Also read: Full Stack Java Developer Syllabus (A Comprehensive Guide)


Mastering Java development in 2024 requires harnessing the power of these essential tools. From IDEs like NetBeans and IntelliJ IDEA to automation tools like Jenkins and Docker, each tool plays a vital role in streamlining the development process. As technology evolves, staying informed and adapting to the latest tools will be key to staying ahead in the dynamic world of Java development. By integrating these tools into your workflow, you not only enhance your productivity but also contribute to building robust, scalable, and efficient Java applications. As you navigate the ever-changing landscape of Java development, let this guide serve as a roadmap to mastering the essential tools that will propel your projects to success. 


How Does Docker Enhance Java Development in 2024?

Docker revolutionises Java development by providing a lightweight, portable, and scalable containerization solution. It ensures consistency across different environments, facilitates efficient resource utilisation, and streamlines the deployment process. 

What Sets Gradle Apart from Maven in the Java Development Landscape?

While both Gradle and Maven serve as powerful build automation tools, Gradle offers a more flexible and customizable approach. Unlike Maven's XML configuration, Gradle uses Groovy or Kotlin DSL, making the build scripts concise and expressive. 

How Does Splunk Contribute to Effective Java Application Monitoring?

Splunk plays a crucial role in Java application monitoring by offering robust log management and data analytics capabilities. It allows developers to gain insights into application performance, detect anomalies, and troubleshoot issues efficiently. 

Can Jenkins Integrate with Other Tools Besides Git for Continuous Integration?

Absolutely. Jenkins, being a versatile automation server, seamlessly integrates with a plethora of tools beyond Git. It supports integration with popular build tools like Maven and Gradle, testing frameworks like JUnit, and deployment tools like Docker. 

How Does IntelliJ IDEA Enhance Java Development Productivity?

IntelliJ IDEA goes beyond being just an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Its intelligent code assistance, powerful refactoring tools, and seamless integration with various frameworks contribute to a highly productive development experience. 

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