Top 30+ Angular Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

By | February 3, 2024

Varun Saharawat is a seasoned professional in the fields of SEO and content writing. With a profound knowledge of the intricate aspects of these disciplines, Varun has established himself as a valuable asset in the world of digital marketing and online content creation.

angular interview questions

Angular interview questions cover a range of topics, including change detection, pipes, application structure, and technologies used in Angular!

Angular Interview Questions: Navigating the bustling world of Angular development can feel akin to conquering uncharted territories As you stand on the precipice of interview preparations, remember the words of a renowned data scientist: “The most important thing in a data science career is to have a good mentor.” 

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Consider this comprehensive guide your virtual mentor, a beacon of insight amid the fog of nervous anticipation. Welcome to our meticulously curated list of the top 30+ Angular interview questions and answers for 2024—crafted for Angular developers who aspire to not only ace their interviews but to excel in their craft with confidence and expertise.

If you’re looking to solidify your knowledge and skills in Angular and full-stack development, consider enrolling in the Full Stack Development Course by Physics Wallah. This comprehensive course is tailored to provide you with hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge required by top tech companies.

Angular Interview Questions MCQs

Here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to Angular for interview preparation:

  1. What is Angular?
  • A. A programming language
  • B. A design framework
  • C. A JavaScript framework
  • D. A database management system

Answer: C. A JavaScript framework

  1. What is the purpose of Angular CLI (Command Line Interface)?
  • A. To create graphical user interfaces
  • B. To manage cloud resources
  • C. To automate development tasks
  • D. To write server-side code

Answer: C. To automate development tasks

  1. What is the significance of Angular modules?
  • A. They define the structure of a database
  • B. They organize the application into cohesive blocks of functionality
  • C. They control the styling of UI components
  • D. They perform asynchronous operations

Answer: B. They organize the application into cohesive blocks of functionality

  1. What is data binding in Angular?
  • A. A mechanism to bind HTML elements to a data source
  • B. A way to create database connections
  • C. A process of compressing data
  • D. A feature for encrypting data

Answer: A. A mechanism to bind HTML elements to a data source

  1. What is the purpose of ngIf directive in Angular?
  • A. It creates a loop in the template
  • B. It conditionsally adds or removes elements from the DOM
  • C. It defines a new Angular module
  • D. It initializes a variable

Answer: B. It conditionally adds or removes elements from the DOM

  1. What is Angular CLI used for?
  • A. To create server-side applications
  • B. To generate and manage Angular projects
  • C. To execute SQL queries
  • D. To design user interfaces

Answer: B. To generate and manage Angular projects

  1. Which decorator is used to define an Angular component?
  • A. @Module
  • B. @Component
  • C. @Directive
  • D. @Service

Answer: B. @Component

  1. What is the purpose of ngFor directive in Angular?
  • A. It creates a new Angular form
  • B. It defines a new function
  • C. It iterates over a list of items
  • D. It performs asynchronous operations

Answer: C. It iterates over a list of items

  1. What is Angular Services used for?
  • A. To define data models
  • B. To handle communication with a server
  • C. To style UI components
  • D. To create animations

Answer: B. To handle communication with a server

  1. How does Angular facilitate two-way data binding?
  • A. Using the [(ngModel)] directive
  • B. Using the *ngFor directive
  • C. Using the (ngIf) directive
  • D. Using the [ngClass] directive

Answer: A. Using the [(ngModel)] directive

Most Asked Angular Interview Questions

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Here are some commonly asked Angular interview questions:

1) What is Angular?

  • Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source front-end web application framework.

2) What is TypeScript?

  • TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features to the language.

3) Explain the concept of Two-Way Data Binding in Angular.

  • Two-Way Data Binding is a mechanism in Angular where changes in the model and the view are synchronized automatically. It uses a combination of property binding and event binding.

4) What is Angular CLI?

  • Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a command-line tool used for initializing, developing, scaffolding, and maintaining Angular applications.

5) What is the purpose of the ngOnInit lifecycle hook in Angular?

  • ngOnInit is a lifecycle hook in Angular that is called after Angular has initialized all the data-bound properties of a directive.

6) Explain the difference between ngOnChanges and ngOnInit.

  • ngOnChanges is called when the input properties of a component change, while ngOnInit is called once after the component is initialized.

7) What is Dependency Injection in Angular?

  • Dependency Injection is a design pattern in Angular where components and services request dependencies from a container rather than creating them directly.

8) What is the purpose of ngFor directive in Angular?

  • ngFor is a directive in Angular used for iterating over a list of items and creating multiple instances of a template.

9) What is Angular Router and how is it used?

  • Angular Router is a module that provides navigation and routing capabilities for Angular applications. It allows you to define navigation paths and load different components based on the current route.

10) Explain the concept of Angular Modules.

  • Angular Modules are containers for a group of components, directives, pipes, and services. They help organize an application into cohesive blocks of functionality.

11) What is a Service in Angular?

  • A Service in Angular is a singleton object created to encapsulate and share functions, data, or business logic across different parts of an application.

Angular Interview Questions for Beginners

Here are some Angular interview questions suitable for beginners:

1) What is the purpose of the AppModule in Angular?

  • AppModule is the root module in an Angular application. It defines the components, directives, pipes, and services that belong to the application.

2) What is two-way data binding in Angular?

  • Two-way data binding is a synchronization between the model and the view in both directions. Changes in the model update the view, and changes in the view update the model.

3) What is the significance of the “root” selector in Angular components?

  • The “root” selector in Angular components is used to define the root component that is bootstrapped when the application starts.

4) Explain the role of the Angular CLI.

  • Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool for initializing, developing, and maintaining Angular applications. It provides commands for tasks like creating components, services, and running the development server.

5) What is data binding in Angular?

  • Data binding in Angular is a mechanism for coordinating the parts of a template with the parts of a component. It binds component properties to DOM elements.

6) What is interpolation in Angular?

  • Interpolation is a way to bind expressions to the view. It is denoted by double curly braces {{ expression }}.

7) What is the purpose of ngFor in Angular?

  • ngFor is a structural directive in Angular used for iterating over a list of items and generating HTML elements for each item.

8) What is dependency injection in Angular?

  • Dependency Injection is a design pattern in Angular where components and services request dependencies from a container rather than creating them directly.

9) Explain the concept of Angular services.

  • Angular services are reusable components that encapsulate and provide functionalities. They can be injected into components and other services.

10) What is the difference between ngOnInit and ngOnDestroy lifecycle hooks?

  • ngOnInit is called after Angular has initialized the component, while ngOnDestroy is called just before the component is destroyed.

11) How do you handle user input in Angular?

  • User input in Angular is handled using event binding. You can bind methods to events such as click, input, etc.

12) What is the purpose of Angular modules?

  • Angular modules help organize an application into cohesive blocks of functionality. They group related components, directives, pipes, and services.

Angular Interview Questions for Advanced

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Here are some advanced Angular interview questions:

1) What is Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation in Angular?

  • AOT is a compilation process in which Angular components are compiled during the build phase rather than at runtime. It results in smaller bundle sizes and faster rendering.

2) Explain lazy loading in Angular.

  • Lazy loading is a technique in Angular where modules are loaded on demand rather than all at once when the application starts. It helps improve the initial loading time of the application.

3) What are Angular Guards, and how are they used?

  • Angular Guards are used to control the navigation process. There are several types of guards, such as CanActivate, CanActivateChild, CanDeactivate, and CanLoad, each serving a specific purpose.

4) Describe ngZone in Angular.

  • ngZone is a service in Angular that helps with the execution of code outside or inside Angular’s zone. It is crucial for managing change detection and optimizing performance.

5) What is the purpose of Angular Universal?

  • Angular Universal is a technology that allows rendering Angular applications on the server side. This improves performance and enables search engine optimization (SEO).

6) Explain the concept of reactive programming in Angular.

  • Reactive programming in Angular involves using reactive extensions (RxJS) to handle asynchronous tasks and events. Observables and operators are key elements in reactive programming.

7) What is the role of ngModelOptions in Angular forms?

  • ngModelOptions is used in Angular forms to configure the behavior of ngModel. It provides options such as debounce time, updateOn, and standalone to control how and when the model value is updated.

8) Differentiate between ngOnChanges and ngOnInit lifecycle hooks.

  • ngOnChanges is called when the data-bound properties of a component change, while ngOnInit is called after Angular initializes the component.

9) What is the purpose of Angular Pipes? Provide examples of built-in pipes.

  • Angular Pipes are used for transforming data in the template. Examples of built-in pipes include DatePipe, UpperCasePipe, LowerCasePipe, and CurrencyPipe.

10) Explain the concept of NgRx in Angular.

  • NgRx is a state management library for Angular applications based on the Redux pattern. It provides a unidirectional data flow and helps manage complex application state.

Tricky Angular Interview Questions

Here are some tricky Angular interview questions along with their queries:

1) Question: Explain the difference between ngIf and hidden property in Angular.

  • Query: In Angular, ngIf is a structural directive that conditionally adds or removes elements from the DOM. It completely destroys and recreates the element when the condition is true or false. On the other hand, the hidden property simply hides or shows an element by setting its CSS display property to “none” or an empty string, but it doesn’t remove it from the DOM. This subtle difference can impact performance and behavior.

2) Question: How can you achieve two-way data binding in Angular without using ngModel?

  • Query: Two-way data binding is commonly achieved using ngModel in Angular, but it can also be achieved without it by using property binding and event binding together. For example, you can bind a property using [property] and listen for changes using (event) to update the property. This creates a similar effect to two-way data binding.

3) Question: Explain the purpose of ng-container in Angular templates.

  • Query: ng-container is a container element in Angular that is not rendered in the final DOM. It is often used to group multiple elements or directives without introducing an additional element to the DOM. This can be useful in situations where you want to apply structural directives like ngIf or ngFor without adding unnecessary elements to the DOM.

4) Question: What is the role of the async pipe in Angular?

  • Query: The async pipe in Angular is used to subscribe to an observable or a promise and automatically update the view when the data changes. It manages the subscription and unsubscription process automatically, preventing memory leaks. It is often used in combination with observables returned from HTTP requests.

5) Question: How do you conditionally apply styles to an element based on a property in Angular?

  • Query: Conditional styling in Angular can be achieved using the [class] or [ngClass] binding. The [class] binding allows dynamically setting a single class based on a property, while [ngClass] allows applying multiple classes conditionally. Both can be used to conditionally apply styles to an element based on the component’s properties.

6) Question: Explain the difference between ngOnInit and constructor in Angular.

  • Query: The constructor in Angular is a TypeScript feature and is used for basic initialization of the class and its properties. It is not Angular-specific. On the other hand, ngOnInit is a lifecycle hook provided by Angular and is called after the component has been initialized. It is the recommended place to put initialization logic that depends on the component’s input properties.

7) Question: How can you pass data from a parent component to a child component with multiple levels of nesting?

  • Query: Data can be passed from a parent component to a deeply nested child component by using the @Input decorator. The data is passed down through each intermediate component in the hierarchy by binding it to the input property of each component. This allows data to flow down the component tree.

8) Question: What is the purpose of the ContentChild decorator in Angular?

  • Query: The ContentChild decorator in Angular is used to query and access content projected into a component’s view. It is often used when a component has <ng-content> and needs to interact with the projected content. ContentChild allows accessing the content dynamically.

These tricky Angular interview questions and queries are designed to test a candidate’s deep understanding of Angular concepts and their ability to handle nuances in Angular development.

Scenario Based Angular Interview Questions 

Angular Interview Questions for 8 years Experience 

Here are some Angular interview questions suitable for candidates with 8 years of experience:

1) Explain the concept of Angular Elements.

  • Answer: Angular Elements allow you to package Angular components as custom elements (web components) that can be used in non-Angular applications. They facilitate the integration of Angular components into projects built with different frameworks or technologies.

2) What is lazy loading in Angular? How does it enhance performance?

  • Answer: Lazy loading is a technique in Angular where modules or components are loaded only when they are required, typically when navigating to a specific route. This improves application performance by reducing the initial bundle size, as only the essential resources are loaded initially, and additional modules are fetched as needed.

3) Describe Angular dependency injection and its significance.

  • Answer: Angular dependency injection is a design pattern where components and services receive their dependencies from an external source rather than creating them directly. It promotes modularity, reusability, and testability of code. Angular’s DI system provides dependencies to components at runtime, making it easier to manage and maintain application-wide services.

4) Differentiate between ngOnChanges and ngOnInit lifecycle hooks.

  • Answer: ngOnInit is a lifecycle hook that is called after the component has been initialized, and it is used for tasks that should occur once after the component is created. On the other hand, ngOnChanges is called whenever there is a change in the component’s input properties. It receives a SimpleChanges object that provides information about the changes.

5) Explain the purpose of Angular services and when to use them.

  • Answer: Angular services are singleton objects that are used to encapsulate and share functionality, data, or state across different parts of an application. They are commonly used for handling business logic, making HTTP requests, and managing shared data. Services promote code reusability and maintain a separation of concerns.

6) How does Angular handle security vulnerabilities, especially in relation to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)?

  • Answer: Angular provides built-in security features to mitigate common vulnerabilities like XSS. It automatically sanitizes user input by using a default security context for most bindings. Additionally, Angular supports Content Security Policy (CSP) to prevent the execution of harmful scripts. Developers are encouraged to follow best practices, such as using Angular’s built-in sanitization functions, to enhance security.

7) Discuss the advantages of using Angular over other front-end frameworks.

  • Answer: Angular offers features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, a modular architecture, and a comprehensive set of tools for building large-scale applications. TypeScript integration provides strong typing and improved maintainability. Angular’s CLI simplifies the development process, and the framework has a large and active community. These factors contribute to the advantages of choosing Angular for enterprise-level applications.

8) Examine the role of AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation in Angular.

  • Answer: AOT compilation in Angular involves translating the application code from TypeScript to JavaScript during the build process, before it is served to the client’s browser. This results in smaller bundle sizes, faster rendering, and better runtime performance. AOT compilation also detects and reports errors early in the development process, reducing the chances of runtime errors.

9) How does Angular support internationalization (i18n) and localization?

  • Answer: Angular provides built-in support for i18n through the @angular/localize package. Developers can mark translatable text in templates using the i18n attribute and extract these messages for translation. Angular supports multiple locales, allowing the application to be adapted to different languages and regions. Runtime language switching and formatting are also supported.

10) Share your experience with Angular testing tools and methodologies.

  • Answer: A candidate with 8 years of experience in Angular should be familiar with testing tools like Jasmine and Karma. They may discuss the use of TestBed for unit testing Angular components, services, and directives. Experience with end-to-end testing using Protractor and the importance of writing testable code for maintainability and reliability may also be highlighted.

Recommended Technical Course 

Angular Interview Questions PDF

Acing an interview for an Angular position goes beyond just knowing the framework inside out. It’s about showcasing your knowledge through clear, concise answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.

The Angular Interview Questions PDF you’ve perused in this blog post is more than a cheat sheet; it’s a roadmap for what potential employers might ask and your guide to articulating your expertise effectively. Remember, preparation is key. 

By understanding these fundamental questions, you’re setting a strong foundation to not only impress your interviewers but also reinforce your confidence as a skilled Angular developer.

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Angular Interview Questions FAQs

Differentiate between ngOnChanges and ngOnInit.

ngOnChanges is called when there are changes in input properties, while ngOnInit is called after the component has been initialized.

What is Angular CLI, and how does it benefit development?

Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool for initializing, developing, and maintaining Angular applications. It automates common development tasks and provides a consistent project structure.

How can you pass data from a parent component to a child component?

Data can be passed from a parent to a child component using input properties. The child component uses the @Input decorator to receive and use the data.

What is the purpose of the async pipe in Angular?

The async pipe in Angular is used to subscribe to an Observable or Promise directly in the template. It automatically manages the subscription and unwraps the data.

Explain the concept of Angular Modules.

Angular Modules are containers for organising and managing related components, directives, services, and pipes. They help in organising the application into cohesive blocks.

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