Top 5 Books Every Generative AI Enthusiast Should Read In 2024

By | January 5, 2024

Varun Saharawat is a seasoned professional in the fields of SEO and content writing. With a profound knowledge of the intricate aspects of these disciplines, Varun has established himself as a valuable asset in the world of digital marketing and online content creation.

Generative AI Books

Unlock the secrets of Generative AI with our exclusive selection of the top 5 must-read books in 2024! Discover the future of AI creativity.

Generative AI books: Artificial Intelligence is the new age of technology. Generative AI is a subpart of artificial intelligence that aims to make our lives easier by automating most of our day-to-day tasks.

There are many applications and opportunities in this domain. Read and know some of the best recommendations for generative AI enthusiasts.

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What Is Generative AI?

Generative AI is an artificial intelligence model that can generate content like images, audio, and video with the help of training models. The application of generative AI is in its starting phase, but it is already expanding. Generative AI has a lot of potential and can reach new heights in the field of AI. With the help of larger datasets, it can produce splendid results.

It works by using the machine learning model and learning from the available datasets. The generative AI model is trained by providing human-created content and learning from the provided dataset. It can create new audio, text, images, music, videos, etc.

The world of AI is now fascinating to everyone, as it comes with a lot of new possibilities. Let us know some of the top Generative AI books to read in 2024.

Also Read: 6 Months Data Science Course Success Story

Top 5 Generative AI Books In 2024 

The world of Artificial intelligence is full of opportunities and explorations. Let us learn about some of the major generative AI books in 2024.

1. Gaining An Edge In Life and Business With AI: Unleashing the Power of Generative AI

The book explains the use of AI to boost your business and gain a peak in life. It is suitable for someone who wants to dive into the amazing world of AI and know the process of utilising it to the fullest. This book consists of unlocking the potential of ChatGPT, practical case studies, hands-on tutorials, and more.

Gaining An Edge in Life & Business With AI
Gaining An Edge in Life & Business With AI
Top Generative AI Books In 2024
Name of the book: Gaining An Edge In Life and Business With AI: Unleashing the Power of Generative AI

Author: Jesse Roberts

Rating: 4.7 (on Amazon)

Buying Link: Click Here 

  • The book details an introduction to AI and Generative AI and provides the fundamental knowledge needed to understand this technology properly. It consists of strategies to use chatGPT to maximise Return on investment, improve customer relationships, drive innovation and more.
  • It contains expert insights by Jesse Roberts, who is a thought leader in the field of AI. This book provides first-hand tips and accounts for understanding AI and using it.
  • The book is well-suited for beginner enthusiasts, executives, entrepreneurs, techies, and almost anyone who has an interest in the field of AI.
  • You can stay up to date with the latest advancements in some of the most popular trending technologies, such as ChatGPT, NLP, and generative AI algorithms.

2. Generative AI: The Future of Everything

Sharad Gandhi wrote this book, which consists of a 5-star rating on Amazon. The book talks about Generative AI and Models.

Generative AI is changing the world and creating the most significant transformations in the world of technology. For the first time in human history, we have a machine which can train itself to create contents which was only possible by human interaction. Generative AI is a very powerful tool and it consists of the potential to change the way we live, work, decide, create and everything.

Top Generative AI Books In 2024
Name of the book: Generative AI: The Future of Everything

Author: Sharad Gandhi

Rating: 5 (on Amazon)

Buying Link: Click Here 

  • You will learn about the potential of Generative AI.
  • Application of AI in life and business
  • Risks and management with Generative AI.
  • Responsibility and opportunities in the field of AI.

3. Ripples of Generative AI: How Generative AI Impacts, Informs and  Transforms Our Lives

Demis Hassabis, CEO of Deepmind says “Generative AI is the key to unlocking the potential of artificial intelligence. It will allow us to solve some of the world’s biggest problems. 

Ripples of Generative AI
Ripples of Generative AI

Jacob Emerson a AI researcher and a data scientist wrote this book to write their experiences and knowledge with artificial Intelligence.

Top Generative AI Books In 2024
Name of the book: Ripples of Generative AI: How Generative AI Impacts, Informs and  Transforms Our Lives

Author: Jacob Emerson

Rating: 4.57 (on Amazon)

Buying Link: Click Here 

  • The book talks about Generative AI, AI Models, Generative Models, Adversarial Network of AI, etc.
  • You will learn about the history and advancement of Generative AI.
  • The book covers the wide range of applications, case studies, examples of generative AI.
  • Understanding the future of Generative AI.
  • Risk and management of using artificial intelligence 

4. AI Made Simple: A Begineer’s guide to Generative Intelligence

The author of this book is Rajeev Kapur and he talks about the revolutionary changes Genearative AI introduced in the world of technology. It also talks about the opportunities in this field and the organizations which will be highly impacted due to AI. 

AI Made Simple
AI Made Simple

The book contains extensive content on the Generative AI, applications, uses, examples, etc.

Top Generative AI Books In 2024
Name of the book: AI Made Simple: A Begineer’s guide to Generative Intelligence

Author: Rajeev Kapur

Rating: 4.6 (on Amazon)

Buying Link: Click Here 

  • It will help you gain good understanding of the Generative AI and their uses.
  • It contains the history of evaluation of artificial intelligence and its impact on the world.
  • The infinite possibilities of generative AI. 
  • Tips and techniques to use generative AI to increase creativity and productivity.
  • Understand the limitations, risks, and issues related to generative AI.
  • Opportunities and growth in the field of Generative Artificial intelligence.

5. Generative Deep Learning: Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose, and Play

The book talks about the deep learning, generative models, and infinite possibilities and opportunities using Artificial intelligence. It is a practical book which can teach how to use deep learning models using TensorFlow and many more.

Top Generative AI Books In 2024 
Name of the book: AI Made Simple: A Begineer’s guide to Generative Intelligence

Author: Rajeev Kapur

Rating: 4.6 (on Amazon)

Buying Link: Click Here 

  • It will help you gain good understanding of the Generative AI and their uses.
  • It contains the history of evaluation of artificial intelligence and its impact on the world.
  • The infinite possibilities of generative AI. 
  • Tips and techniques to use generative AI to increase creativity and productivity.
  • Understand the limitations, risks, and issues related to generative AI.
  • Opportunities and growth in the field of Generative Artificial intelligence.
Generative Deep Learning
Generative Deep Learning

The author of the bok is David Foster and Karl Friston. 

Top Generative AI Books In 2024
Name of the book: Generative Deep Learning: Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose, and Play

Author: David Foster and Karl Friston

Rating: 4.67 (on Amazon)

Buying Link: Click Here 

  • It can help readers learn how to use Deep learning models with TensorFlow
  • It will also teach how to use VAEs to change the facial expression of photos.
  • Create different varieties of flowers with the help of diffusion models.
  • Using GANs to generate images using our own dataset.
  • Learn to use ChatGPT and many more.

6. Generative AI For Leaders by Amir Husain

It is important to learn about trending technologies like generative AI to keep up with the changing world and find good opportunities. Everybody knows that generative AI is the new future and we need to know its benefits, applications, uses, risks and other major things.

Top Generative AI Books In 2024 
Name of the book: Generative AI For Leaders by Amir Husain

Author: Amir Husain 

Rating: 4.61 (on Amazon)

Buying Link: Click Here 

  • This book covers the basics of generative AI and their benefits.
  • It also discusses the challenges of Generative AI and strategies to stand out in the market.
  • Strategy to make right team and best methods to train employees using generative AI.
  • The future of Generative AI
  • Applications of generative AI, uses, and risks in the future.

7. The Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI Bible: The Most Updated and Complete Guide

The book contains the fundamentals of AI and helps to catch the latest updates on the techniques and advancements in the field of artificial intelligence. 

The Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI Bible
The Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI Bible

The potential of Artificial intelligence is limitless. However, it is important to be familiar with the best way to utilize its power and understand its risks and challenges.

Top Generative AI Books In 2024
Name of the book: The Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI Bible: The Most Updated and Complete Guide

Author: Alger Fraley

Rating: 4.8 (on Amazon)

Buying Link: Click Here 

  • This book talks about basics of AI, Deep learning, Natural Langauge Processing (NLP), and generative AI.
  • It also explains the effective way to use prompts in ChatGPT for better results.
  • The latest advancements in NLP, Generative AI, Real world case studies, etc.
  • It covers the applications and future of AI in detail.

Generative AI Books For Free In 2024 

Nowadays, there are many online resources available to keep up with the cutting edge technologies. With the help of Kindle unlimited edition on Amazon, Candidates who are interested in Artifical intelligence and generative AI can also read it for free. However, for paperback edition, they need to pay the price of the book.

Generative AI Books 2024 FAQs

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is an artificial intelligence model that can generate content like images, audio, and video with the help of training models.

What are some of the top generative AI Books in 2024?

Some of the top Generative AI books of 2024 are given below.

The Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI Bible: The Most Updated and Complete Guide
Gaining An Edge In Life and Business With AI: Unleashing the Power of Generative AI
Generative AI: The Future of Everything
Ripples of Generative AI: How Generative AI Impacts, Informs and Transforms Our Lives
AI Made Simple: A Begineer’s guide to Generative Intelligence

What is the best book for understanding generative AI?

The best book to understand the generative AI is The artificial intelligence by Algar Fraely. The 2024 edition of the book is available on amazon. Read the complete article to know some more recommendation for generative AI 2024.

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