Top Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

By | December 28, 2023

What are the top programming languages? Which language is in demand nowadays? Programming languages are essential to start your career in the coding industry. Physics Wallah’s courses are the best way to enroll in programming languages!

Top Programming Languages: We are nearing the end of 2023 and looking ahead to the new opportunities that 2024 will bring for tech careers and code learning. While backend languages like Java and C# continue powering major systems worldwide, new tools and frameworks have emerged that are better suiting certain tasks and are gaining rapid popularity. 

As a student looking to gain in-demand skills for your future career, it’s important to understand which top programming languages are rising in relevance and projected to be most useful in the job market next year. In this post, we will break down the top programming languages that are poised to take off in 2024 based on emerging trends, community growth, and employer demand. 

By gaining exposure to these languages now, you’ll put yourself in a strong position to take advantage of opportunities at the cutting edge of tech. 

And if you’re wondering which language to start with, we highly recommend C++ with DSA by Physics Wallah. With Physics Wallah’s expertise and experience, this course is guaranteed to provide you with the necessary skills for success in the rapidly growing tech industry. So why wait? Take charge of your future now and enroll in C++ with DSA by Physics Wallah – after all, knowledge is power, and programming is the language of our future.

What is Programming Language?

At its core, a programming language serves as a conduit, enabling developers to interact with computers. These languages comprise specific guidelines facilitating the transformation of string inputs into machine-readable code. In visual programming paradigms, the focus shifts to manipulating graphical components.

Essentially, a program encapsulates a series of directives penned in a chosen language, be it C, C++, Java, or Python, tailored to accomplish distinct objectives. Embark on a transformative journey into the domain of cybersecurity. Immerse yourself in ethical hacking techniques and defense mechanisms, underpinned by top programming languages. 

From mastering Python to delving deep into C++, empower yourself with essential tools to identify vulnerabilities and shield digital infrastructures against looming cyber threats. Fortify your expertise in both coding and cybersecurity, ensuring resilience in an ever-shifting digital landscape.

Explore the upcoming trends in top programming languages and seize the opportunity to elevate your skill set in today’s dynamic tech environment!

Also read: 10 Best Programming Languages for Game Development in 2024

Top Programming Languages in 2024

Here are the top programming languages in 2024 you must learn:

1) JavaScript

Applications of the Language:

  • Web development
  • Game development
  • Mobile apps
  • Building web servers

As per Stack Overflow’s 2020 Developer Survey, JavaScript reigns supreme as the most utilized language globally at 69.7%. This dominance is further echoed by its high demand among hiring managers in the Americas. 

JavaScript plays a pivotal role in enhancing web page interactivity, allowing developers to craft dynamic elements like animated graphics, interactive maps, and more. When combined with HTML and CSS, JavaScript offers enhanced website control, ensuring superior user navigation and readability. Its widespread use can be attributed to its integration with most web browsers and its beginner-friendly nature. The vast online community and extensive support resources further cement JavaScript’s position as a top-tier programming language.

2) Python

Applications of the Language:

  • Back-end development
  • Data science
  • App development

Python stands out as a versatile programming language accommodating various styles, from functional to object-oriented programming. Renowned platforms like YouTube, Google Search, and iRobot machines owe their existence to Python’s robustness. 

HackerRank’s data places Python as the second most sought-after language by hiring managers in the Americas. Its user-friendly nature makes it a favorite among both novices and seasoned developers. 

Python’s rich library simplifies tasks with pre-built commands, while its interactive nature aids in real-time code testing. Given its widespread demand, with over 50% of hiring managers prioritizing Python skills, it remains a prime asset in the programming landscape.

3) SQL

Applications of the Language:

  • Database management
  • Sales reports
  • Business management

SQL, commonly known as Structured Query Language, serves as a specialized tool for programmers to interact with databases. Specifically tailored for relational database management systems (RDBMS), SQL excels in tasks such as data retrieval, record updates, additions, and deletions. 

While its capabilities are commendable, it’s worth noting that SQL is most efficient with smaller databases and may face limitations with larger, more intricate databases. Nevertheless, its widespread usage is undeniable, securing its position as the third most utilized language in the programming realm, with a significant 54.7% of developers leveraging its functionalities.

4) NoSQL

Applications of the Language:

  • Database management
  • Sales reports
  • Business management

NoSQL, standing for Non-relational SQL, emerged as a solution aiming to enhance SQL’s scalability while preserving its user-friendly nature. While SQL relies on relational database systems that organize data in tables for manipulation and retrieval, NoSQL diverges by not adhering to this tabular structure. 

This flexibility makes NoSQL particularly adept at tasks like hierarchical network data storage or catering to expansive cloud-based applications. Given their adaptability, both SQL and NoSQL feature prominently among the most sought-after programming languages.

5) Rust

Applications of the Language:

  • Operating systems
  • VR
  • Web browsers

Rust consistently garners acclaim on platforms like Stack Overflow, often ranking as one of the most favored top programming languages. A significant 86% of its users express a keen interest in furthering their expertise in Rust. However, despite its appeal, only a mere 3% of developers in the survey reported using it, highlighting its niche status among the broader programming community. 

Rust is distinguished as a “multi-paradigm” language, akin to C++ in syntax but with broader application possibilities. Whether you prioritize swift compilation, enhanced cross-platform functionality, or brighter career avenues, embracing Rust can be a strategic move.

Recommended Technical Course 

Which Programming Language is Best for Getting Job?

The “best” programming language for getting a job largely depends on several factors, including the specific industry, region, and job role you are targeting. However, some languages are consistently in high demand across various sectors and regions:

1) Python: 

Known for its versatility, Python is extensively used in web development, data science, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and more. Its readability and ease of use make it a favorite among both beginners and experienced developers. Python developers are in high demand, especially in fields like data science, machine learning, and automation.

2) JavaScript: 

Essential for front-end web development, JavaScript is a cornerstone for building interactive and dynamic web applications. Alongside its traditional use in web browsers, JavaScript has expanded its domain to server-side development (Node.js), mobile app development (React Native, Vue Native), and even desktop application development (Electron).

3) Java: 

Despite being around for decades, Java continues to be a prominent language, especially in enterprise-level applications, Android app development, and large-scale distributed systems. Many financial institutions, e-commerce platforms, and Android app developers rely on Java, ensuring a consistent demand for Java developers.

4) SQL: 

While SQL is not a traditional programming language in the same sense as Python or Java, it’s essential for anyone looking to work with databases. Proficiency in SQL is crucial for roles in database administration, data analysis, and backend development.

5) C#: 

Developed by Microsoft, C# is primarily used for developing Windows applications, games with Unity, and enterprise applications with the .NET framework. Its popularity in the enterprise world and the gaming industry ensures a steady demand for C# developers.

6) Swift: 

If you’re leaning towards mobile app development, especially for iOS devices, Swift is a crucial language to learn. With the increasing popularity of Apple devices, especially in Western markets, Swift developers are in demand for creating iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS applications.

While these are some of the top languages, it’s essential to consider your interests, career goals, and the specific industry or domain you’re targeting. Continuously updating your skills, staying abreast of industry trends, and showcasing practical experience through projects or certifications can significantly boost your job prospects regardless of the specific programming language you choose.

Also read: 75 Basic Programming Problems and Tutorials for Practice

Top Programming Languages 2025-2030

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, programming languages play an indispensable role as the building blocks of software applications, systems, and solutions that drive our modern world. As we navigate the years 2025 to 2030, the tech industry is poised for groundbreaking innovations, spurred by advancements in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, decentralized systems, and more. Below table shows the top programming languages 2025-2030:

Top Programming Languages 2025-2030
Programming Language Primary Use
Python Web Development, AI, Data Science
JavaScript Web Development, Front-end & Back-end
Java   Enterprise Applications, Android Development
TypeScript  Web Development, Enhancing JavaScript
Go (Golang) Cloud Computing, Network Applications
Swift  iOS App Development 
Kotlin  Android App Development 
Rust          System Programming, WebAssembly
C#  Game Development, Windows Applications

Top Programming Languages for AI

Artificial Intelligence has become a focal point for businesses seeking to propel their growth to new heights. The allure lies in the potential to streamline and enhance routine processes, leading to significant time and cost savings. Once integrated, AI ensures the expedited execution of tasks with unparalleled precision and reliability compared to human counterparts.

However, the successful implementation of artificial intelligence in your company’s systems hinges on the expertise of software engineers well-versed in the relevant top programming languages. Choosing the right language is paramount for realizing your AI integration aspirations. To guide you through this selection process, let’s explore the top programming languages tailored for Artificial Intelligence.

1) Lisp

Originating from the 1960s, Lisp has carved its niche primarily in scientific domains like natural languages, theorem proving, and AI problem-solving. Initially designed as a mathematical notation tool, Lisp evolved into a favored language among AI developers. Notably, its longevity in the programming landscape can be attributed to its unique features beneficial for AI tasks:

  • Swift prototyping capabilities.
  • Dynamic object generation.
  • Essential garbage collection.
  • Execution of data structures as programs.
  • Modifiable programs as data.
  • Emphasis on recursion over iteration.
  • Advanced symbolic information processing.
  • Incorporation of Read-Eval-Print-Loop for interactive programming.

2) Java

Java’s significance in AI stems from its extensive application in mobile app development, a sector where AI integration is prevalent. Java seamlessly integrates with various AI-centric tools and frameworks:

  • Deep Java Library by Amazon for deep learning functionalities.
  • Kubeflow facilitates ML stack deployment on Kubernetes.
  • OpenNLP for natural language processing.
  • Java Machine Learning Library offering diverse ML algorithms.
  • Neuroph for neural network design.
  • Java’s intuitive debugging, graphical data representation, and the incorporation of Object-Oriented patterns further enhance its AI capabilities.

3) C++

Though an older language, C++ remains pertinent for AI endeavors due to its adaptability for resource-intensive applications. Its efficacy in handling AI models in production environments is commendable. Noteworthy aspects include:

  • Implementation in AI speech recognition.
  • Use in deep learning libraries like MapReduce, mlpack, and MongoDB.
  • C++ Builder for rapid application development.

4) R

While not AI-centric, R excels in processing vast datasets, positioning it as a competitive alternative to Python for large-scale operations. R’s inherent functionalities, combined with AI-specific packages, render it apt for AI tasks:

  • models for model fitting.
  • TM framework for text mining.
  • RODBC interface.
  • OneR for One Rule Machine Learning classification.

5) Julia

Emerging as a potent tool for performance computing in technical spheres, Julia’s design embodies several features ideal for AI development:

  • Comprehensive numeric data types.
  • Arbitrary precision values.
  • Dynamic type system with macros and metaprogramming.
  • Support for parallel and distributed computing.
  • Integration capabilities with TensorFlow.jl, MLBase.jl, and MXNet.jl.

6) Prolog

Prolog, an acronym for “Programming in Logic,” shines in its ability to facilitate easy pattern matching and list management, making it a favored choice for AI applications. Its capabilities come to the fore especially when developers grapple with intricate problems, given Prolog’s adeptness at executing programs using its inherent search mechanisms. Key attributes that bolster Prolog’s reputation as an effective AI-centric language include:

  • The declarative approach allows programmers to define rules and facts for AI program formulation.
  • Advanced database retrieval mechanisms.
  • Expertise in natural language processing.
  • User-friendly systems for seamless operation.
  • Efficient tree-based data structuring.
  • Proficiency in knowledge representation.

7) Scala

Scala, known for its user-centric approach, finds extensive use in AI due to its prowess in constructing machine learning algorithms and extracting insights from expansive datasets. Beyond its general utility, Scala offers distinct features that cater specifically to AI needs:

  • Smile: A specialized data science library equipped with algorithms for tasks such as classification.
  • A rich repository of frameworks and libraries, including BigDL and Breeze, enhances its AI capabilities.

And speaking of learning new skills, we want to leave you with a personal recommendation – the Master Generative AI: Data Science Course course by Physics Wallah. With an incredibly experienced instructor who breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand modules, this course is perfect for anyone looking to delve deeper into data science and generate AI-backed solutions. 

Also read: Best Online JAVA Platform To Learn Java Programming Course

Top Programming Languages for Web Development

Web development uses both front and backend languages, allowing developers and programmers to craft efficient websites or web applications. We’ll delve into some of the most sought-after web programming languages in this context. Mastering these can pave the way for a successful career as a web developer.

1) PHP

PHP remains a pivotal language in web development, even amidst competition from JavaScript and Python. Its versatility shines in server-side application development, boasting compatibility across Mac, UNIX, and Windows platforms.

Key Features of PHP:

  • Widely embraced in web development for rapid application deployment.
  • Notable platforms like Facebook leverage PHP for their operations.

Pros of PHP:

  • Abundance of frameworks and community support.
  • Robust ecosystem for application testing and deployment.
  • Supports both functional and object-oriented programming.

Cons of PHP:

  • It might have slower webpage rendering compared to some counterparts.
  • Potential limitations in security and error handling.

Use Cases:

  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Standalone web apps
  • Server-side web applications

2) C#

C# stands as Microsoft’s object-oriented programming language, deriving its foundations from the widely adopted C language. Initially framed within the .NET framework for Windows application development, C# has expanded its horizons to platforms like Android, iOS, and Linux, becoming a frontrunner in web development

Key Features of C#:

  • Offers a plethora of frameworks and libraries, backed by over two decades in the IT landscape.
  • Similar to Java, it is platform-independent due to the Common Language Runtime (CLR).

Pros of C#:

  • Shares codebases efficiently.
  • Safer than its predecessors C and C++.
  • Integrated seamlessly with the .NET library.
  • Expedited compilation and execution processes.

Cons of C#:

  • Potentially less flexible compared to C++.
  • Requires substantial learning curve.
  • Mastery essential for effective error resolution.

Use Cases:

  • Game development
  • App creation
  • Server-side programming
  • Windows software development

3) React

Developed by Facebook, ReactJS empowers professionals to construct dynamic user interfaces swiftly. This framework enhances user experience by streamlining transitions between elements and offers adaptability across various backend setups.

Key Features of React:

  • Leverages Virtual Document Object Model (DOM) for scalability.
  • Ensures stable code with one-way data binding.
  • Enables interactive UI for both web and mobile apps.

4) JavaScript

JavaScript stands as a cornerstone in front-end development, enabling the creation of immersive user interfaces. Its evolution into a high-level, dynamic language has cemented its place across diverse platforms, from browsers to microcontrollers.

Key Features of JavaScript:

  • Dominates the web development landscape.
  • Facilitates event-driven programming via Node.js.
  • Boasts a vast community and extensive resources.

Pros of JavaScript:

  • Immediate browser execution without compilation needs.
  • Versatile and supports diverse applications.
  • Regularly updated via ECMA specifications.
  • Extensive add-ons for enhanced functionality.

Cons of JavaScript:

  • Limited inheritance options.
  • Variability across different browsers.
  • Potential security vulnerabilities.

5) Angular

Angular, an evolution from AngularJS by Google, offers enhanced frontend solutions albeit with a steeper learning curve. Despite its complexities, it enables the development of intricate, scalable applications.

Features of Angular:

  • Embraces Model-View-Control (MVC) architecture.
  • Utilizes HTML for intuitive UI design.
  • Incorporates “plain old JavaScript objects” for enhanced functionality.
  • Simplifies UI construction with templates.

6) VueJS

VueJS emerges as a user-friendly, open-source frontend development language, enabling developers to craft organized and engaging web applications efficiently. Its simplicity and adaptability make it a favorite among novice and seasoned developers.

Key Features of VueJS:

  • Employs Virtual DOM for efficient rendering.
  • Facilitates seamless data binding and manipulation.
  • Promotes reusable and customizable components.
  • Offers multiple transition methods for enhanced UI experience.

And for those who are serious about becoming a full stack web developer, we highly recommend checking out the Full Stack Web Development course offered by Physics Wallah. With their comprehensive curriculum and industry-experienced instructors, this course offers everything you need to excel in this rapidly growing field. Don’t wait any longer and start your journey towards mastering these top programming languages today! 

Also read: Top Features of C++ Programming Language

Top Programming Languages for Hacking

If you’re delving into the realm of ethical hacking and seeking the topl programming languages to master, you’re in the right place. Below, we delve into the top 10 languages pivotal for ethical hacking, shedding light on their features and significance.

1) C

C stands out as an indispensable language, particularly for tasks targeting low-level components like RAM. As a middle-level procedural language, C delves deep into security systems, including resource and hardware protections. Its capability extends to crafting swift socket programming scripts.

Key Advantages:

  • Facilitates library hijacking attacks, aiding ethical hackers.
  • Serves as a foundational language for UNIX/LINUX platforms.
  • Known for its speed and efficiency, even if considered more traditional.
  • Many systems, including Windows and Unix, are built upon C, underscoring its significance in system evaluation and fault detection.

2) Perl

Perl, characterized as a high-level, dynamic, and interpreted programming language, is instrumental in the ethical hacking arena. Originally tailored for text manipulation, Perl has evolved to support exploit writing and Linux text file manipulation.

Key Features:

  • Powers tools like Nikto, snmpenum, and fierce.
  • Facilitates SQL script sending from web apps to databases.
  • Despite waning general popularity, Perl remains paramount for building various hacking components, from exploits to payloads.

3) Ruby

Ruby, a versatile, web-centric programming language, is optimal for ethical hacking endeavors. Its ability to craft rapid scripts on Linux platforms and its web-oriented nature makes it a preferred choice for developing potent exploits.

Key Highlights:

  • Adopted as the foundational language for the Metasploit penetration testing framework.
  • Exhibits syntactical elements akin to Smalltalk, lending it flexibility and efficacy for contemporary web platforms.

4) Bash

Though not a comprehensive programming language for hacking, Bash proficiency remains crucial. As the default command shell for numerous Unix systems, Bash serves as a pivotal tool for interpreting user commands and automating tasks.

Key Attributes:

  • Vital for tools like Armitage, NMAP, and Metasploit.
  • Excellently suited for system manipulations and penetration endeavors, especially in network scenarios.

5) Assembly

For interfacing directly with system hardware, Assembly stands unparalleled. This low-level language facilitates meticulous understanding, enabling ethical hackers to delve into machine code intricacies.

Key Advantages:

  • Crucial for hardware-specific tasks and deep system manipulations.
  • Ideal for crafting malware, reverse engineering software, and optimizing compromised system operations.

And if you’re looking for an all-in-one language and data structures and algorithms course, look no further than Decode Java+DSA 1.0 by Physics Wallah. With its comprehensive syllabus, interactive teaching methods, and affordable price, it’s the perfect course for anyone looking to excel in their programming journey. So why wait? Sign up for Decode Java+DSA 1.0 today and unlock the endless possibilities that the world of programming has to offer!


What are the most popular programming languages in 2024?

The most popular programming languages in 2024 include JavaScript, Python, Java, C++, C#, PHP, and more. The popularity can vary based on the domain and application of the language.

Which programming language is best for web development?

For web development, popular languages include JavaScript (with frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js), PHP, Python (with frameworks like Django and Flask), and Ruby on Rails.

Is Python good for beginners?

Yes, Python is often recommended for beginners due to its readability and simplicity. Its syntax is clear and concise, making it easier to understand and learn programming concepts.

What is JavaScript mainly used for?

JavaScript is primarily used for front-end web development, including creating dynamic and interactive web pages. However, with the advent of Node.js, JavaScript is also used for backend development, mobile app development, and even desktop applications.

How does C# differ from C++?

While both C# and C++ are object-oriented languages developed by Microsoft, they have distinct differences. C# is generally considered safer due to its managed code environment and garbage collection, whereas C++ provides more control over hardware and memory but requires manual memory management.

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