What is Hypothesis Testing in Statistics? Types and Examples

By | January 6, 2024

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Hypothesis Testing

What exactly is hypothesis testing, and how does it work in statistics? Can I find practical examples and understand the different types from this blog?

Hypothesis testing in statistics involves testing an assumption about a population parameter using sample data. Learners can download Hypothesis Testing PDF to get instant access to all information!

Hypothesis Testing: Ever wonder how researchers determine if a new medicine actually works or if a new marketing campaign effectively drives sales? They use hypothesis testing! It is at the core of how scientific studies, business experiments and surveys determine if their results are statistically significant or just due to chance.

Hypothesis testing allows us to make evidence-based decisions by quantifying uncertainty and providing a structured process to make data-driven conclusions rather than guessing. In this post, we will discuss hypothesis testing types, examples, and processes!

Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a statistical method used to evaluate the validity of a hypothesis using sample data. It involves assessing whether observed data provide enough evidence to reject a specific hypothesis about a population parameter. 

Hypothesis Testing in Data Science

Hypothesis testing in data science is a statistical method used to evaluate two mutually exclusive population statements based on sample data. The primary goal is to determine which statement is more supported by the observed data.

Hypothesis testing assists in supporting the certainty of findings in research and data science projects. This statistical inference aids in making decisions about population parameters using sample data. For those who are looking to deepen their knowledge in data science and expand their skillset, we highly recommend checking out Master Generative AI: Data Science Course by Physics Wallah.

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What is the Hypothesis Testing Procedure in Data Science?

The hypothesis testing procedure in data science involves a structured approach to evaluating hypotheses using statistical methods. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the typical procedure:

1) State the Hypotheses:

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): This is the default assumption or a statement of no effect or difference. It represents what you aim to test against.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): This is the opposite of the null hypothesis and represents what you want to prove.

2) Choose a Significance Level (α):

  • Decide on a threshold (commonly 0.05) beyond which you will reject the null hypothesis. This is your significance level.

3) Select the Appropriate Test:

  • Depending on your data type (e.g., continuous, categorical) and the nature of your research question, choose the appropriate statistical test (e.g., t-test, chi-square test, ANOVA, etc.).

4) Collect Data:

  • Gather data from your sample or population, ensuring that it’s representative and sufficiently large (or as per your experimental design).

5)Compute the Test Statistic:

  • Using your data and the chosen statistical test, compute the test statistic that summarizes the evidence against the null hypothesis.

6) Determine the Critical Value or P-value:

  • Based on your significance level and the test statistic’s distribution, determine the critical value from a statistical table or compute the p-value.

7) Make a Decision:

  • Compare the computed test statistic or p-value to the critical value or significance level.
    • If the p-value is less than α: Reject the null hypothesis.
    • If the p-value is greater than or equal to α: Fail to reject the null hypothesis.

8) Draw Conclusions:

  • Based on your decision, draw conclusions about your research question or hypothesis. Remember, failing to reject the null hypothesis doesn’t prove it true; it merely suggests that you don’t have sufficient evidence to reject it.

9) Report Findings:

  • Document your findings, including the test statistic, p-value, conclusion, and any other relevant details. Ensure clarity so that others can understand and potentially replicate your analysis.

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How Hypothesis Testing Works?

Hypothesis testing is a fundamental concept in statistics that aids analysts in making informed decisions based on sample data about a larger population. The process involves setting up two contrasting hypotheses, the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis, and then using statistical methods to determine which hypothesis provides a more plausible explanation for the observed data.

The Core Principles:

  • The Null Hypothesis (H0): This serves as the default assumption or status quo. Typically, it posits that there is no effect or no difference, often represented by an equality statement regarding population parameters. For instance, it might state that a new drug’s effect is no different from a placebo.
  • The Alternative Hypothesis (H1 or Ha): This is the counter assumption or what researchers aim to prove. It’s the opposite of the null hypothesis, indicating that there is an effect, a change, or a difference in the population parameters. Using the drug example, the alternative hypothesis would suggest that the new drug has a different effect than the placebo.

Testing the Hypotheses:

Once these hypotheses are established, analysts gather data from a sample and conduct statistical tests. The objective is to determine whether the observed results are statistically significant enough to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative.

Examples to Clarify the Concept:

  • Sanitizer Efficacy: Suppose a company claims its hand sanitizer eliminates 95% of germs.
    • Null Hypothesis (H0): The sanitizer’s average efficacy is 95%.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The sanitizer’s efficacy is less than 95%.
    • By conducting tests, if evidence suggests that the sanitizer’s efficacy is significantly less than 95%, we reject the null hypothesis.
  • Fair Coin Toss: Consider a scenario where one wishes to determine if a coin is unbiased.
    • Null Hypothesis (H0): The coin is fair, meaning the probability of heads and tails is equal.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The coin is not fair, implying unequal probabilities for heads and tails.
    • Through experimental trials, if results consistently show a skewed outcome, indicating a significantly different probability for heads and tails, the null hypothesis might be rejected.

What are the 3 types of Hypothesis Test?

Hypothesis testing is a cornerstone in statistical analysis, providing a framework to evaluate the validity of assumptions or claims made about a population based on sample data. Within this framework, several specific tests are utilized based on the nature of the data and the question at hand. Here’s a closer look at the three fundamental types of hypothesis tests:

1. Z-Test:

The z-test is a statistical method primarily employed when comparing means from two datasets, particularly when the population standard deviation is known. Its main objective is to ascertain if the means are statistically equivalent. 

A crucial prerequisite for the z-test is that the sample size should be relatively large, typically 30 data points or more. This test aids researchers and analysts in determining the significance of a relationship or discovery, especially in scenarios where the data’s characteristics align with the assumptions of the z-test.

2. T-Test:

The t-test is a versatile statistical tool used extensively in research and various fields to compare means between two groups. It’s particularly valuable when the population standard deviation is unknown or when dealing with smaller sample sizes. 

By evaluating the means of two groups, the t-test helps ascertain if a particular treatment, intervention, or variable significantly impacts the population under study. Its flexibility and robustness make it a go-to method in scenarios ranging from medical research to business analytics.

3. Chi-Square Test:

The Chi-Square test stands distinct from the previous tests, primarily focusing on categorical data rather than means. This statistical test is instrumental when analyzing categorical variables to determine if observed data aligns with expected outcomes as posited by the null hypothesis. 

By assessing the differences between observed and expected frequencies within categorical data, the Chi-Square test offers insights into whether discrepancies are statistically significant. Whether used in social sciences to evaluate survey responses or in quality control to assess product defects, the Chi-Square test remains pivotal for hypothesis testing in diverse scenarios.

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Hypothesis Testing in Statistics

Hypothesis testing is a fundamental concept in statistics used to make decisions or inferences about a population based on a sample of data. The process involves setting up two competing hypotheses, the null hypothesis H0​ and the alternative hypothesis H1​. 

Through various statistical tests, such as the t-test, z-test, or Chi-square test, analysts evaluate sample data to determine whether there’s enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative. The aim is to draw conclusions about population parameters or to test theories, claims, or hypotheses.

Hypothesis Testing in Research

In research, hypothesis testing serves as a structured approach to validate or refute theories or claims. Researchers formulate a clear hypothesis based on existing literature or preliminary observations. They then collect data through experiments, surveys, or observational studies. 

Using statistical methods, researchers analyze this data to determine if there’s sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. By doing so, they can draw meaningful conclusions, make predictions, or recommend actions based on empirical evidence rather than mere speculation.

Hypothesis Testing in R

R, a powerful programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics, offers a wide array of functions and packages specifically designed for hypothesis testing. Here’s how hypothesis testing is conducted in R:

  • Data Collection: Before conducting any test, you need to gather your data and ensure it’s appropriately structured in R.
  • Choose the Right Test: Depending on your research question and data type, select the appropriate hypothesis test. For instance, use the t.test() function for a t-test or chisq.test() for a Chi-square test.
  • Set Hypotheses: Define your null and alternative hypotheses. Using R’s syntax, you can specify these hypotheses and run the corresponding test.
  • Execute the Test: Utilize built-in functions in R to perform the hypothesis test on your data. For instance, if you want to compare two means, you can use the t.test() function, providing the necessary arguments like the data vectors and type of t-test (one-sample, two-sample, paired, etc.).
  • Interpret Results: Once the test is executed, R will provide output, including test statistics, p-values, and confidence intervals. Based on these results and a predetermined significance level (often 0.05), you can decide whether to reject the null hypothesis.
  • Visualization: R’s graphical capabilities allow users to visualize data distributions, confidence intervals, or test statistics, aiding in the interpretation and presentation of results.

Hypothesis testing is an integral part of statistics and research, offering a systematic approach to validate hypotheses. Leveraging R’s capabilities, researchers and analysts can efficiently conduct and interpret various hypothesis tests, ensuring robust and reliable conclusions from their data.

Do Data Scientists do Hypothesis Testing?

Yes, data scientists frequently engage in hypothesis testing as part of their analytical toolkit. Hypothesis testing is a foundational statistical technique used to make data-driven decisions, validate assumptions, and draw conclusions from data. Here’s how data scientists utilize hypothesis testing:

  • Validating Assumptions: Before diving into complex analyses or building predictive models, data scientists often need to verify certain assumptions about the data. Hypothesis testing provides a structured approach to test these assumptions, ensuring that subsequent analyses or models are valid.
  • Feature Selection: In machine learning and predictive modeling, data scientists use hypothesis tests to determine which features (or variables) are most relevant or significant in predicting a particular outcome. By testing hypotheses related to feature importance or correlation, they can streamline the modeling process and enhance prediction accuracy.
  • A/B Testing: A/B testing is a common technique in marketing, product development, and user experience design. Data scientists employ hypothesis testing to compare two versions (A and B) of a product, feature, or marketing strategy to determine which performs better in terms of a specified metric (e.g., conversion rate, user engagement).
  • Research and Exploration: In exploratory data analysis (EDA) or when investigating specific research questions, data scientists formulate hypotheses to test certain relationships or patterns within the data. By conducting hypothesis tests, they can validate these relationships, uncover insights, and drive data-driven decision-making.
  • Model Evaluation: After building machine learning or statistical models, data scientists use hypothesis testing to evaluate the model’s performance, assess its predictive power, or compare different models. For instance, hypothesis tests like the t-test or F-test can help determine if a new model significantly outperforms an existing one based on certain metrics.
  • Business Decision-making: Beyond technical analyses, data scientists employ hypothesis testing to support business decisions. Whether it’s evaluating the effectiveness of a marketing campaign, assessing customer preferences, or optimizing operational processes, hypothesis testing provides a rigorous framework to validate assumptions and guide strategic initiatives.

Hypothesis Testing Examples and Solutions

Let’s delve into some common examples of hypothesis testing and provide solutions or interpretations for each scenario.

Example: Testing the Mean

Scenario: A coffee shop owner believes that the average waiting time for customers during peak hours is 5 minutes. To test this, the owner takes a random sample of 30 customer waiting times and wants to determine if the average waiting time is indeed 5 minutes.


  • H0​ (Null Hypothesis): 5μ=5 minutes (The average waiting time is 5 minutes)
  • H1​ (Alternative Hypothesis): 5μ=5 minutes (The average waiting time is not 5 minutes)

Solution: Using a t-test (assuming population variance is unknown), calculate the t-statistic based on the sample mean, sample standard deviation, and sample size. Then, determine the p-value and compare it with a significance level (e.g., 0.05) to decide whether to reject the null hypothesis.

Example: A/B Testing in Marketing

Scenario: An e-commerce company wants to determine if changing the color of a “Buy Now” button from blue to green increases the conversion rate.


  • H0​: Changing the button color does not affect the conversion rate.
  • H1​: Changing the button color affects the conversion rate.

Solution: Split website visitors into two groups: one sees the blue button (control group), and the other sees the green button (test group). Track the conversion rates for both groups over a specified period. Then, use a chi-square test or z-test (for large sample sizes) to determine if there’s a statistically significant difference in conversion rates between the two groups.

Hypothesis Testing Formula

The formula for hypothesis testing typically depends on the type of test (e.g., z-test, t-test, chi-square test) and the nature of the data (e.g., mean, proportion, variance). Below are the basic formulas for some common hypothesis tests:

Z-Test for Population Mean:


  1. Where:
  • ˉxˉ = Sample mean
  • 0μ0​ = Population mean under the null hypothesis
  • σ = Population standard deviation
  • n = Sample size

T-Test for Population Mean:

t= (s/ n ​ ) ( x ˉ −μ 0 ​ ) ​ 


s = Sample standard deviation 

Chi-Square Test for Goodness of Fit:



  • Oi​ = Observed frequency
  • Ei​ = Expected frequency

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Hypothesis Testing Calculator

While you can perform hypothesis testing manually using the above formulas and statistical tables, many online tools and software packages simplify this process. Here’s how you might use a calculator or software:

  • Z-Test and T-Test Calculators: These tools typically require you to input sample statistics (like sample mean, population mean, standard deviation, and sample size). Once you input these values, the calculator will provide you with the test statistic (Z or t) and a p-value.
  • Chi-Square Calculator: For chi-square tests, you’d input observed and expected frequencies for different categories or groups. The calculator then computes the chi-square statistic and provides a p-value.
  • Software Packages (e.g., R, Python with libraries like scipy, or statistical software like SPSS): These platforms offer more comprehensive tools for hypothesis testing. You can run various tests, get detailed outputs, and even perform advanced analyses, including regression models, ANOVA, and more.

When using any calculator or software, always ensure you understand the underlying assumptions of the test, interpret the results correctly, and consider the broader context of your research or analysis.

Hypothesis Testing FAQs

What are the key components of a hypothesis test?

The key components include:
Null Hypothesis (H0): A statement of no effect or no difference.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1 or Ha): A statement that contradicts the null hypothesis.
Test Statistic: A value computed from the sample data to test the null hypothesis.
Significance Level (α): The threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis.
P-value: The probability of observing the given data, assuming the null hypothesis is true.

What is the significance level in hypothesis testing?

The significance level (often denoted as α) is the probability threshold used to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis. Commonly used values for α include 0.05, 0.01, and 0.10, representing a 5%, 1%, or 10% chance of rejecting the null hypothesis when it's actually true.

How do I choose between a one-tailed and two-tailed test?

The choice between one-tailed and two-tailed tests depends on your research question and hypothesis. Use a one-tailed test when you're specifically interested in one direction of an effect (e.g., greater than or less than). Use a two-tailed test when you want to determine if there's a significant difference in either direction.

What is a p-value, and how is it interpreted?

The p-value is a probability value that helps determine the strength of evidence against the null hypothesis. A low p-value (typically ≤ 0.05) suggests that the observed data is inconsistent with the null hypothesis, leading to its rejection. Conversely, a high p-value suggests that the data is consistent with the null hypothesis, leading to no rejection.

Can hypothesis testing prove a hypothesis true?

No, hypothesis testing cannot prove a hypothesis true. Instead, it helps assess the likelihood of observing a given set of data under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true. Based on this assessment, you either reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.

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